Mutant Garden Guard is a fun game and story where a meteorite has fallen on your garden and affected your vegetables, turning them into monsters. You must rescue your garden and kill those mutants with a gun. Take your gun and move around your garden to kill these evil vegetables. To eliminate completely these monsters you must shoot them with your gun and jump over their heads. Move around the screen to reach the monsters and collect different bonuses like money, poisons that confuse mutants, beer that make them move slow, extra life, health and boots that will help you move faster. In this game you can select different difficulty levels like easy, medium and hard. The game allows you to select one or two players, you can start a game, check help, set options like music, volume and full screen, you can check high scores and exit the game. Playing this game is very easy, you must use your keyboard. Use arrow keys right and left to move right and left, up arrow key to jump and space bar to shoot your enemies.